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09 July 2003
5:26 pm

i am stalling for time before i have to leave for the Improv. improv improv improv. i thought i was supposed to be there at six thirty, but no, not until seven. and since i have a new tire and i drive like a maniac (not really, i just like to pretend), i have a few minutes to spare.

yesterday was a busy busy day. and i didn't even get up until one o clock. i took my dad to mess with the horror that is medicaid. he probably won't end up getting his meds for another two or three weeks. it's stupid red tape bullshit. i got an application from the teachers credit union for a teller position in largo and talked to brian about maybe getting a job selling insurance. lots of money to be made, but lots of work, too. i treid to go by aaa but they were closed. dropped my tire off (ended up having to get a new one cause the last one had steel sticking out of it or something, and was therefore irreperable). what else did i do. drove around all day. i scrubbed down the shower! and now it is bleached white. i did a full load of laundry! like, i put in the washer, put in the dryer when it was done, and when that was done i FOLDED it. and when i put the dishes in the dishwasher and when they were done, i put those away too. yay for following through! and i can almost play bouree in e minor in its entirety without stopping.. whereas when i was taking lessons i could only play half of it.. i remember brian (brian the guitar teacher with the big red eighties hair.. not my dad's friend brian.. or my dad brian.. too many brian's) not teaching me the rest either.. he was a weird guy.

after nick got home i went there and slept with him.. next to him, pervert. i had dreams, mostly about him.. he was drawing himself as a yellow crayon and then erased the point of it, because he said he was a worn down crayon. and i told him all he had to do was peel back the paper and then there would be more crayon.. weird dreams.

okay! time to go. wasting time, silly girl.