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06 January 2004
1:14 pm

okay, so really, i've decided i need a skateboard. after getting over the initial period of learning how to make it go, i think it would be very handy, oh yes. my lunch trip to publix would be only mere seconds. what's that, dad? you need cigarettes or mountain dew or random instant satisfaction? why sure, i'll just hop on my skateboard and skateboard on over to the corner store. oh yes, i also want a bicycle. i need varying forms of mobility seeing that my car is going to wheeze and jerk for the very last time.. oh.. anytime soon.

i got my desk in my room last night and the other lamp and the tv on top of the dresser.. it's finally starting to look like i live there. mary and matt both commented on the fact they could actually see into my room now, their view not being obstructed by boxes. i want to go work on it. it's really not bad at all.

speaking of matt and mary, i really like these kids together. and i use the word 'kids' loosely since mary is twenty-two. i told my aunt sharon and she was like, "ooh, boytoy.." but it's not like that. they seem to really like each other. it's really cute how they're in their own little bubble together.. except for the whole having to watch them make out and listen to them doing their taxes (or chinese fingertraps, which ever you prefer). and she's a really nice girl. what they call a "down-ass chick" (hahahah) i think. yep yep. i'm glad he's found someone he actually likes who actually likes him. i'm glad to see he's growing up a little bit.. he doesn't really have a choice.. he goes to court for the final time on february second.

i want to go and work on my room but tonight after i get off work i will go to chili's with elise and then we will go see return of the king. she hasn't seen it and i am required to go again. not that i really mind. i just hope i don't fall asleep, i'm that tired. and it is a long movie. and woodlands20 has those seats i can lay down on if there are not too many people in the theater. oh yes. oh yes. lunch is almost over. damn. i wanted to go and read some more of the giver. i should just bring my blasted giftcard to work. blaha balha balahabalskdjfa;sjfas;df