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performance that's all business.

30 September 2005
10:26 pm

tonight is a friday night if ever there was one. a night for being out and about and doing something and on the way home all the headlights were sharp enough to brighten up this dull mood. a night for a Friday kind of night, and oh, here i am. at home. and not the least bit disappointed really, cause i only have a week more in this house, and then it's on to an apartment two steps from work, two steps from school, and a boy to share a bed with--without having to drive from one house to the other.

so here i am, oh yes. let's turn on the music and turn it up. i know i've got a room to pack and homework to do and a car to clean (so we can drive to orlando tomorrow to see minus the bear), but ooh ooh boy, it is friday and my feet hurt from standing all day on the open toed shoes i'm not supposed to wear.

blee blee blah. i don't have anything to say at the moment, cause now i am distracted by music and chewing gum.

oh, yes. it came down the grapewire.. grape vine.. razor vine, hah. one of my customers has mister johnson as a teacher. i said to say hello for me. he did and mister johnson sent his hellos (even though i saw him only a week ago) and said that i was one of the most talented students he'd ever taught.


i almost cried. it was kind of an emotional day.