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notes on progress

25 June 2008
4:03 pm

man. i lounged around and slept ALL day.. had lots of intense dreams (between last night and this afternoon i woke up crying TWICE, wtf), i dawdled around, i took a shower.. and i STILL have an hour and a half until i need to leave for training. this six pm training is crazy. way to go, tar-jay.

so far, so good. haven't gotten too deep into collections business but we talked about some credit things and i can see how this job is going to make me more responsible. i can also see that i'll probably be working at tarjay in one capacity or another for some time to come. yay work.

lala soon my vitamins will come and i can start taking those. soon my check will clear through my new MN bank account and then i can buy shoes and THEN i can go to the gym again. and then kevin and i will order top secret substance and we will take that too.
soon i will be on my way to breakdancing and parkour and you all can say i told you when
