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sunday's are for lazying

29 June 2008
3:49 pm

so, for all my excitement about this weekend, that my major excursions and fun things were to be WORKING OUT.. it was a total bloody disaster.. literally! i got the shoes, i got the workoutz clothes, but then, saturday morning, demons struck upon my person and by the time we finally got to the gym, i was in pain and kevin was tired.. so we declared we would go early this morning, but, behold! i was in even MORE pain! DEMONS
so now i am, again, relegated until NEXT WEEKEND

but at least we saw wanted.. and are either going to see that again tonight with his sister or wall-e.. yay for little pixar robots

so while i wait for them i am going to sit outside, smoke a cigarette and either play my guitar or call my mother

yesterday i was hit with a terrible hormonal bout of OH GOD I MISS HOME because targets are only open till 10 here, everything closes earlier than you would expect in this town, earlier than it does in my former place of residence anyhow

and it was saturday and i was in one of those moods where, back in the day, i would've ended up doing nothing anyway, but i wanted to go out some place random, one of those nights where i want to troll the old people bar for the last half hour before they close or call all random awake friends over for impromptu party or drive over bridges in triangular paths or or or

but i can't do those things here, so i had a bit of a crabbysara moment.. then we watched the prestige and it passed, mostly

but now kevin and his sister will be here in a minute so i don't get to call my mom or smoke or play my guitar

instead i will skip down the stairs with things in hand

and throw my hat in the air like mary tyler moore