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27 July 2009
4:10 pm


bathtubs with feet are all pretty and shit but CLEANING UNDER THEM IS A BITCH. a bitch who likes to be bedded upon corpses or however that line goes.

kevin better finish reading that book one of these days so we can discuss it goddamn it

today is a day i feel like swearing for the pursuit of happiness

yes, yes that's it

i have been bemoaning my lack of writing lately, bemoaning my lack of everything really, but i know it is all on its way, i know we are briefly in the waiting room of yore, all of us, everybody, and in less than six times days it will break and we will see what we are really made of

as i am always saying

except this time...

this time

i am going to miss the goddamn cat with all of my heart pieces

but soon my words will come back to me

and i will clean all the floors and walls and burn buckets of sage and sandalwood

and sometime this week, amidst all this cleaning i will paint the statue i sculpted but before i do that i will take a picture so that i may remember it in this form

the first thing i've made from clay since that blue fish i tossed off the bridge over clearwater waters way back on my birthday last year

last year?

yes, last year.

i get my years confused