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eh, fuck it. haha

03 April 2010
12:07 am

well I had those girls over tonight. you know, the ones at the dinner party, the ones I saw on Mar 17, and it went pretty much like I thought. it was alright at first but it really never reached any crescendo and I openly smiled in their faces as they left if you understand my reference, you know like, how can one smile openly in the faces of good friends as they are leaving? anyway. blah blah friends, I don't need them. blah blah friends, it makes me miss the friends I have in Florida, not the closest ones but the ones I would have dinner parties with; not the closest, but the oldest and I know I could count on them. one of them. she's spunky. anyway. anyway. blah blah friends. I don't need them.

I am excited tomorrow is Saturday. I am excited for the future. I am excited that in three years I've been thirty, I am excited about not having any friends. I am excited that I am leaving that typo because time does not exist and lunchtime doubly so.


those are the last four digits of the phone number of some shouting bastard outside my open window. today the sand and water in the gutter was slapping my bare ankles with the wind that ruffled my skirts, sent my skirts flying. I had to hold them (my skirts) and the bus driver took due notice