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don't know which strings you're pulling

16 April 2013
8:23 pm

I continue to be on drugs. My back hasn't healed much in the last six days. I mean, sure. I feel all right when I am medicated and not moving. Sunday night at work was not awesome, but okay. Today was very much not. I did get a cane though, and aside from "aging me up 10 years" (thanks, co-worker, you're a dick), it's been pretty helpful in beating my co-workers, and looking threatening when on the street. Really, I probably don't look threatening with a cane, they lower the bus for me when I get on even, but man I could whap the shit out of some creepy guy trying to put his arm next to mine.

I'm not re-reading this, so hopefully it makes sense. I am more concerned with the fold of the pillow supporting my back. I should go back to the doctor, but.. I don't care to get into how annoyed I am right now.

even before I learned I won't be going back to the doc (at least not this week) I'd already resorted back to drug hoarding behavior. (back to? I was usually pretty irresponsible with my drugs, let's be honest.) every time I take one, I count them. not because I think anyone here is trying to steal them from me, but I must always know how many days I have before I run out. I was hoping this back business would run its course before I ran out but that doesn't seem to be the case.

this is the most boring thing I've ever written. pills! my back hurts! snooze.

I've been on the couch bed since Friday. Thursday. One of those days. I fall asleep with the tv on, and wake up absurdly early, even after a 4am Lost re-watch finale.

Saturday? Sunday? I woke up at special moments of Another Earth, a dreamy film to begin with. the snowy grey sky that day was lovely.