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18 September 2003
10:02 am

day three of the new job training saga. this keyboard is loud and clunky and i have to keep checking over my shoulder so no one passes by and catches my breaks in between reading. and note taking like whoa. i don't think i took this many notes the first time i learned all this. right now, i'm learning networking. i remember more about this than anything else so far, oddly enough. yay school. mr. zimmermaker might be proud if he remembered me. why am i taking all these notes, you might ask. could i not rock the test after breezing through the reading for fifteen minutes? do i not have mad skills for the multiple choice (or appreciate the value of a good trial and error session, like our good friend val? and she's really not that bad. i could have it much worse)? but the woman in charge of us will not be here until noon. and i don't want to be left with nothing to do. and obviously if i haven't retained the information from 11th grade then i didn't do a good enough job. and i like my handwriting. and i miss school. so i take notes. and i learn more this way. and i would have rocked that quiz hardcore but they threw a random question at me not in the reading. so i had a little trial and error. whee.

i woke up "late" this morning. i've been getting up at seven when i have to be to work at nine and because of some tricky little gnomes, i didn't get up until quarter to eight. eight, really. good to see half an hour before i have to leave is now late. before, "late" was two minutes after i was supposed to be there. it's nice having that extra time in the morning to screw around and eat and drink coffee and listen to music. hopefully, i can keep it up. this is why i like starting completely new things, why the first days of a new school year were so great. that feeling of renewal and always 'maybe this time' it'll stick longer.

i've noticed these obsessive traits rising again.. brushing my teeth six times a day. when i want my door locked, i check five or ten times before i'm sure it's locked. there was something else, but i forgot. my left sleeve doesn't have a button and it's bothering me.

want to finish writing, but i must go and find work. being at work and all.