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you know what else is expensive? puppies.

20 December 2003
5:59 am

have i mentioned that i am in love with my boyfriend? this kid cracks me up, i swear.

satellite005: 'uh hello...'

satellite005: '...hello..'

satellite005: 'i'm galstaff... sorcerer of light!'

satellite005: teeheehehehhee

pseudosara: :)

pseudosara: but your sheet says you have grey eyes!

pseudosara: or is it blue?

satellite005: i decided i want grey eyes.

pseudosara: okay your eyes are grey

pseudosara: a bugbear comes out of the shadows!

satellite005: i cast flowers at his feet and sing pretty songs about bluebirds.

pseudosara: aw

pseudosara: uh

pseudosara: you have charmed him! he dances in circles

satellite005: hooray

pseudosara: he gives you a box

satellite005: i sing gleefully and slit his throat with my hair-ribbon blade when he spins in a circle.

pseudosara: :o

pseudosara: he falls over

satellite005: cool!

satellite005: i continue singing!

satellite005: and dancing in his spilled blood!

pseudosara: hahahah

pseudosara: he starts howling the worst howl you ever heard! you are confused!

satellite005: no

satellite005: he died

pseudosara: YES

satellite005: :(

pseudosara: no

pseudosara: i said he fell over

satellite005: i have earplugs

pseudosara: i didn't say he was dead, dude

satellite005: do i get a +50 circumstance bonus?

pseudosara: you didn't say you have ear plugs

pseudosara: and besdies

satellite005: but they're on my character sheet

pseudosara: the howl could penetrate your puny earplugs

satellite005: no way!

satellite005: remember?

pseudosara: yes way

satellite005: i got these when i made tea for the banshee!

satellite005: she just needed a shoulder to wail on.

pseudosara: oh goddamnit

pseudosara: find

pseudosara: fine*

pseudosara: your earplugs protect you from his magic howl

satellite005: i'm the most homosexual bard with a twisted side i've ever played.

pseudosara: he continues to howl and gives himself a sore throat.. more sore than it already is, already

pseudosara: hahah

satellite005: i'll feed the neighbourhood stray dog with his brains.

satellite005: and sing the willy wonka song 'the candyman can'

satellite005: and share my lollypop with the neighbourhood children.

pseudosara: the stray dogs begin to grow unnaturally large and begin to exhibit human like characteristics

pseudosara: the children are happy

satellite005: they can have their own. because i've got 1d6 lollypops in this sack of lollypop holding

satellite005: silly puppies.

pseudosara: you have 24 lolly pops

pseudosara: puppies are expensive

satellite005: that is a lot of lollypops.

satellite005: puppies are expensive

pseudosara: ha!

pseudosara: i am retarted

satellite005: so i encourage all the children.

satellite005: to take their lollypops to the bank

pseudosara: and retarded. you have four lollypops

satellite005: and when the teller reaches over, they should blow really hard on the top of the lollypop while pointing the stick part at the tellers behind.

satellite005: because. a poison dart will shoot out

pseudosara: 2d20 children take 5d4 of their lollypops to the bank

satellite005: and they can have all the monies they can take. then they can feed their puppies.

pseudosara: hahahahaha