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grocery-store mishaps (much longer than planned)

02 January 2004
8:43 pm

sonic youth - goo

stereolab - .. i forget the name. it's lime green. dots and something, i think.

also, as i was about to write about the mix up at the register of the publix next to the music exchange [bad move, palm harbor] my dad says out of the blue silence, "oh damn, that was my forty dollar gift certificate, wasn't it? no no, it was the twenty-five". my family thinks it has special mind powers.

anyhow, i woke up at eleven am to the sound of him talking to mary about how he will have a petition and he will take it right to jeb and george cause they will not fuck him again. one hundred dollars! he says. two point five percent! and what is he supposed to do, stop taking his pills and die!? [youwantmyblooditstaintedtoo] oh the (entertaining) ridiculousness. i finally put together some information. a law had been passed and took effect on january first that all recievers of medicaid must pay two point five of their medication.

and at the grocery store oh it was hilarious, i couldn't remember the number for my dad's card and then the money on there hadn't gone through ANYWAY and i lost the gift certificate! good thing christmas was good to me. i didn't have to buy anything cause i had so many new things. so i spent one hundred fifteen on groceries. big deal. i would have had to do it later in the month anyway, when i have to get car insurance. don't i care too much about it.

a friend of mine had something happen a couple days ago that i had been expecting for a long time. she asked me not to say anything to certain people, and i will have to do that. though i don't think she understands they don't care. i wish i could go and sit with her.

but i have to get ready for a show. yes oh yes. bringmejoy.