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18 June 2004
3:10 pm

i am on lunch already! oh, it is wild. i've only got twenty minutes left though.. after the mixup at publix. blah blah. i will be interesting again someday, i promise. i think i ate too quickly. now i am feeling fat. and sleepy. NO SLEEPY! cherry coke! aggedy aggedy moogedy boogley. mr bungle makes me strange. yes. mr bungle to the notwist to poe to another poe to mr bungle again. what a strange silly sleepy day. i finished slaughterhouse five this morning if i didn't already say that. i want to buy another kurt vonnegut book. i have over nine hundred words. still don't have a thesis. :SKLDJF. :S hahaha. :S :S :S

oh by the way. my week seven essay is on my chosen career choice and if i don't have one i can pick one at random. i really want to write it on being a hobo. or a bag lady. one of the two. maybe i should. i wonder what would turn up from that kind of research. bwahahah. i love fridays. i've dreamt about performing two nights in a row. two nights ago i sang this really great song that din't reallly have any words.. except. i think it was "sir". hah. it was fantastic. last night i dont' remember what i was doing, just that i was there. and my mom and i were buying sandals. OH!

and hahahahahahhahahah. this was the best part. totally in control, too.

i went to the library, to the reference desk. i told the kid there i wanted to ask him a question. he said i had to go see leslie at desk nine. i turned to walk away and put my hand up to my face like i was going to tell him a secret. i whispered to him, "jackass!" and walked away. i was standing there looking for leslie and i knew he was standing behind me (because i put him there, silly) so before he had a chance to say anything i said, "i'm sorry. i don't know why i said that." he said it was okay, that i shouldn't do it again. he showed me where leslie was. i thought it was the funniest thing ever. i am very strange when i am sleeping.

i am very strange when i am awake, too. !@

so much for essay writing on the lunch break. bwahahahah.