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you can't sleep till you know your overbearance makes me creep

18 June 2004
10:07 am

christ allmighty. this is fucking impossible. i've been trying to think of something all week to write about (though obviously, not hard enough) and i still can't come up with a damn thing. i know if i could just come up with something i could write this essay no problem. even still with three hours to go until work.

i thought it to be a grand coincedence that i picked up slaughterhouse-five to read. you know, immersing myself in world war two and all. and now all i can think to write about is how dresden was worse than hiroshima. and i don't have enough time to do research on that. al;skjfda;l. i need a computer. i should call dave tomorrow about fixing ours. i (more than likely) wouldn't be having this problem right now.

honestly, i can't think of ANYTHING. everytime i start to think of something it juts off into some other area. all i have to do is write an argumentative essay! i don't have to believe it! just write the damn thing. arggggh. the problem is i can't think of a focus, a thesis. i can't think of anything to say.

scratch that. i can think of tons of things. but none that are topical. i could write a sevenhundred word argumentative essay on anything other than what i'm supposed to be writing about. i could write a novel. i could write anything but this essay. all the words in the world are coming to me but those i need are straying far away.

bah. hopefully this will purge me of this lack of focus. right. RIGHT. come on improv skills. make me proud Ha;aklsdajs. !