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typical lunchbreak moodiness

19 May 2005
4:09 pm

hello, funk. nice to see you. no, i lied, i'd be happy if you would let me be. now is no time for funk. i thought it was seeing corey in the store that initiated this funk, but it started right before that. it's probably just girly stuff, but i don't want anyone to talk to me, touch me, look at me. i can't even look at food much less try to eat it. i bought the sandwich and it just stared at me the way an unwanted lunch does. instead of eating, i went to the bookstore and bought Valis and will put it in line after On the Road and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance which may be, oh-you-know-SO-blas�, but michele insisted that i borrow it and it has a pink cover and small pages with lots of words.
i had my head down on the table and tony walked by with his rough and tough italian-in-new-york voice and said, "wake up sleepyhead.."
so. fuckthis honkeytonk wishywash. i'm gonna spend the last ten minutes of my break attempting to dismiss this funknonsense.