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enjoy the journey.

09 July 2006
4:55 am

I should really stop being afraid of spiders.

Even ones that are as big as my palm are still only smaller than my hand.

Theres just something about the life that slips away when you squash or smash a spider.

He's so big and he lives in my bathroom, if he survived my fantastik attack.

This cut on my finger makes it hard to type and I'm supposed to be planning a d&d campaign for these girls in a band.

I kinda like my job even if I'm just a cocktail waitress.

I'm gonna go read some more of the Hell's Angels; I'm halfway through, but only because I've been taking the sentences or the passages I'm fond of or the ones that are pertinent to one of the themes, and rewriting them in my own handwriting. I'm doing this because I like my handwriting, and I'm enjoying it, and Hunter Thomspon retyped an entire Hemingway novel because he wanted to learn his craft. I bet you think the last one is the most poignant.

Also, I'm gonna go read some more of the Hell's Angels because I got to listen to the stories of one of my managers tonight, who I found out is a one percenter. From the Warlocks, up in Philly. Box o'cute, huh?

There was more I lost in the translation from thought to type, but most importantly, one of the general themes of this open discourse, is that I NEED TO WRITE MORE OFTEN CAUSE I REALLY KIND OF ENJOY IT.

Hey, I was writing an actual STORY in some kind of first person exposition, or some other nonsense, before that random thing where I lost my head and woke up on the floor with a busted finger happened..

Yeah, just don't forget to keep doing it.

Enjoy the journey, he said.