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work tomorrow

13 May 2008
10:33 pm

mm, my back is bothering me again. already. this is not good. it is something i likely did on saturday night, either lifting the boxes to get to the super nintendo... or.. later on in the evening....... either way, it is mildly uncomfortable by the end of the day, and i am not fond of this.

there is more to say like i start work on a temp data entry job for an insurance company tomorrow (yay on all fronts)

and i did some work today for the temp agency wherein i got to transcribe a mildly graphic deposition about a sexual abuse case (exciting, right?)

but i am tired (sigh) and while i am not tired enough to resist the lure of finding the sword of kings (1/128!) in the stonehenge dungeon (woo earthbound), that delightful supportive young man is going to bed and i want his arms around me (aaand i don't want to have to squeeze into my side of the bed after he's gone to sleep given that i can't sleep on my side when my back feels like this)

the smell of coffee will have to wait until the morning. (tra la la)