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we are sad to leave each other

25 July 2008
1:35 am

i think i may have forgotten the song i was writing a few weeks ago. this is sad

my friend at work, her name is caroline. we sit and count away the minutes. she is from kenya. at first, before i even really talked to her, she reminded me of my mom, except in a totally different way because she is from kenya. as the days went by i got a different picture. we count the minutes, we would be fine if we could just take a week off.. we talk and we laugh and make fun of people while everyone else pays attention to what theyr're doing. yesterday i asked her when her birthday was, expecting her to be a capricorn because we were so alike.

jan 20, she said. two days after mine. i said, you're an aquarius. and she said, yes, but i tend to be influenced by capricorns.

and i said, yes.

just like me.