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up and down this mighty rollercoaster

14 October 2008
11:25 am

okay, i'm not one to gossip, but we need to have a little chat.

there is someone among us who needs to reevaluate how she is going about things. now, i'm not going to name any names, but this someone has been consistently gaining weight [albeit in small amounts] when she is supposed to be, in fact, doing the exact opposite since she has a wedding to go to in february, not to mention the fact that when she looks in the mirror, she's not horrified, but she definitely isn't pleased either. this certain someone probably shouldn't have let her gym membership go way past due and should perhaps look into that with this paycheck and at the very least, needs to figure something out for november, since she is going to be sitting on her ass for the entire month, shoving anything within arms reach into her mouth [note to self this person: nuts. unsalted, raw nuts. also, do not continue to fill desk drawer at work with granola bars if going to continue to eat six a day]

in addition, this person should also get thyself to thy barber this weekend as her bangs are unruly and her asymmetrics are no longer workin' it.

in other news, in my crabbiness this morning, i declared this day as break from thinking about plots day as i don't want to burn myself out before november even starts. after my previous entry about my lack of satisfaction with my worklife, i was overcome by misery and self-loathing and decided to lay face down on the floor, a perfect way to nourish one's angst.

that behaviour begot such thoughts that allowed me to add more pieces to said plot i wasn't going to think about to-day, thus permitting me to put the brakes on the self-loathing and the consequent hatred for my book idea that i had begun to develop.

what a momentous day we have had thus far, and we haven't even been to work yet.