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a boar!! get it!!! ...sara, that's a dog

25 May 2009
10:21 am

i had really strange dreams again, yesterday morning i was crying or yelling, something about not being able to get to the halloween costume store on time, today there were strange goings-ons, most of which i can't remember except there was definitely the Actions of the Boyfriend Dressed Up in Someone Else's Skin and this time i was definitely being kissed by someone who don't kiss me no more

dreams is dreams is dreams and i am drinking coffee then we are going to tgt to try to find ol' kk (the male variety, the female ain't here yet) a backpack for our woodland adventure then we must be back here and ready to go by oh eleven hundred hours (yes, oh) to go and retrieve john locke--no, i mean, oh hell why not--and then we will be on our way to adventuring under cloudy memorial day skies!!1

i have not decided if i will change out last weeks adventuring stick for a new one

wish me powers over gravity
and hands that do not slip