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no ants in my cereal

18 June 2009
3:21 am

now i can't sleep, the brain going in circles about this and that, the money mostly, how i'm going to fix it, how am i going to fix it, how am i going to pay this bill and that one and keep my cell phone on and float me until student loans and get back on top of things while working part time how am i going to get them to reverse some overdraft fees how how how did this all happen, i mean, i know how it happened, but hell beans on a crackers, why

money money and need to make sure i can get that week off in september when the mama w-x and i will drive backwards the route i took to get here, we will drive to florida to bust the littlest of us out of jail and after five long years, he will be free...

don't get your hopes on it. i don't expect to be on the west coast. i will be in florida, but not to be seen..

ai ai ai. what is to be done.