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WOLF MOON AND MARS ESCAPE THE JUNGLE CAT. same time, same channel.

29 January 2010
12:56 pm

CRAP. I need to start packing. I wanted to have this DONE already. NOW I must do it NOW so I will have time later to latch on to the muscles of the young man I spend my time with. We will hunker down and power through some six episodes of Battlestar Galactica so we can be done with season 2 before I leave. And the final season of Lost will start on a fresh palette. Not episodes or seasons, call them chapters, call them books.

SPEAKING OF BOOKS (I am drinking my coffee and forcing my brain awake, can you tell?), this is what concerns me about packing. Specifically, packing without a list. I have my original packlist from December, when this trip to Chicago was SUPPOSED to happen; I have a newer list I started but have not finished.. AH. Lists.

This is the problem! Not the clothes, not the toothbrushes or socks to remember, but all the little tiny things, the digital things, the various items that can be easily overlooked when one is trying to fathom what she might need over the next two weeks. GODDAMN IT TWO WEEKS. I WILL DETACH KEVIN'S MUSCLES AND TAKE THEM WITH ME. Oh, it's not possible, you say? evvfff

I am in front of books, I shall gather my books! You will love to hear about it.

Where's that writerly book Kevin gave me? Over there. Perhaps I should figure out what I'm going to put the books in before I start piling books up. Well, let's just make a little pile. THAT BOOK: LEARN TO WRITE PLOT, ETC. Yeah, that's what it's called.

In the area of books I bought and never read we have a book of Raise High The Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour by J.D. Salinger and while it was already on the list of books to bring, now it will be first in the pile. Well, after that other.

IMPRO by Keith Johnstone. I will also bring that. I forgot I had it, honestly. I haven't read it in.. ten years? Who knows. While reorganizing the shelves in this library I came upon it, my eyes lit up and there was a familiar flutter in my tum-tum. Improvisation!? AND THE THEATRE?!?! Don't mind if I do!

(not sure, guys. I've been listening to mashups this morning afternoon.. drinking coffee.. anticipation of a trip? a six hour drive in a car with no radio.. ah) [also, regarding mashups, THIS is good & so is THIS]

At this rate I am going to end up with three books. I guess I don't need that many, I only really NEED what I bring.. AH. I could attempt to read Visions Of Cody again, not that it's a tough read, it just requires the willingness of my non-linear brain and I'm not sure non-linear is what I need to be focusing on at the moment.

What do I have that I haven't read, rather than reading the same books over and over again (I hope this is incredibly interesting to you, as it must be to mine-self) ?? ?

The Sound and the Fury (purchased when used in a play, somehow we have two copies, was once compared to Faulkner and thought that person should have their brain checked and so, never read it to find out if it was true. was equally confused when compared to Kafka or Kerouac, if he were a 15 year old girl. not confused because a) everything I write is garbage or b) everything I write is SO separate, how could you, etc (either prospect is bullshit, though I don't know how I am suddenly distancing myself from the first) ..where was I? in the middle of multiple parenthesis again? what was the point? the Kerouac reference was not unfounded but to compare me to Faulkner because I write long sentences or Kafka because I am writing nonsense is ..POO.)

The Sound and the Fury. some James Joyce. Swann's Way. The Waste Land but Eliot will probably remind me of Rose and so, depress me. Fat books. Joyce, I think. That is what I will take. And maybe this David Sedaris book. Or maybe the Palahniuk. Those are not mine but no one will miss them. AH

A TCH TOO MUCH OF THE RAMBLES. A new tutu, housemate Keely says. I may have to task housemate John with retrieval of digital files for my usage. I don't know. Enough of the rambles. MORE THOUGHTS TO COME ON THE NEXT INSTALLMENT OF WOLF MOON AND MARS