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there is a bandaid on my thumb because it was so dry it cracked. SAD

27 March 2010
10:10 am

THIS LOTION AIN'T WORKING FOR SHIT. Between the stacks and stacks of paper I shuffle all day long (much of which ends up shredded and in compost) and the heavy amounts of cleaning I do (I really don't want to talk about cleaning all the time but I can't help it) my fingers are dry and weird. I need gloves or magic lotion. I can't walk around wearing gloves all the time, that would be even weirder. Also my hands would sweat. Probably through the gloves. I have clammy hands. It is a well-known fact about me if you've ever spent any amount of time with my person or probably even if you just shook my hand

anyway, I need better lotion as much as I love making my hands sparkle or smell like fig and.. whatever else is in that shitty lotion.