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last night's engagement party for the other kevin

28 March 2010
10:50 am

I came downstairs this morning with every intention of telling you many inappropriate thoughts and old stories but was thwarted by Kevin on the computer--it is Sunday and so he is going to the gym then to work on comic with his friend Rachel, so he needed the computer first thing in the morning, soon he will have his own again--but in the meantime my Sunday morning thoughts are thwarted!

So I rewatched the recent episode of Lost, told myself I would NOT spend my morning doing the dishes again even if it meant staying out of the kitchen just to prevent myself from doing so.. so I got a slow start on my coffee today. I feel sluggish. Slow. WAY too much soda last night. Could've been worse I suppose. Playing a card game, a drinking game, normally I stay far away from drinking games, I sat down hoping they were playing poker, but this time was okay I guess cause I was just drinking coca-cola

I burped a lot.