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I feel like I'm on cold medicine but I'm not

06 May 2010
5:06 pm

What's going oN, hM? What sorcery is this?

I meant to type it earlier--I DID type it earlier, I just didn't post it--an entry about my time travelling, which I am doing today. It was stupid so I didn't hit submit but now I wish I had, as proof, as DOWNRIGHT EVIDENTIAL FACT. I looked at the clock and I was ABSOLUTELY 100% sure it was 12:44.
I looked at the clock shortly there after and it was 12:32.


then my entire day passed in 15 minutes. I am not kidding. There is evidence that an entire day has passed in regular time, the sun, for example; the temperature has dropped; Katie is awake, therefore it is late in the day, etc. Things happened, I can recall them with ease.

But it's only been approximately 15 minutes, I tell you. Twenty or thirty since I was last sitting at this computer.

"WHERE DID MY HALF SANDWICH GO?!" I just shouted in my head. I already ate it. What sorcery is this, what madness what jujubees and candybeans?!

You know what else happened? I was on my way home, on the bus, gazing out the window as I do--except I was more than half an hour early as I forgot to take my lunch break (since only 15 minutes had passed, you see) so I left at 4:30--so I am on the bus, looking at the houses, daydreaming and whimsy and so forth and what do I see running around a tree in a too-perfect yard?

A white squirrel.

WHAT!?! WHAT IS THAT?! A TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY WHITE SQUIRREL. I didn't even know they made those.