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Tao Lin's second novel, Richard Yates. twice as long as his first novel.

22 July 2010
11:40 pm

Sure, I could say some interesting things about my life. Like, this is what is going on with the shitty roommate situation, and this is how to be an irresponsible asshole. Or I could talk about my strange social tribulations, how they ebb and flow; how I push and purge and then grasp at places, now empty

but that's all a bunch of hooey in my head. I can't hold sentences.

Pretty much the best thing that happened today is I bought a book. I am trying to get into a book buying and reading habit. Hear about a book, then go buy it, then read it. Rather than putting it on a never ending list and never reading anything.

Anyway, this book is by Tao Lin and has basically the best title of any book ever written.

Eeeee Eee Eeee

That is the title of the book. My name is in it. These people are in Orlando. Makes me raise my eyebrows a bit. Then some bears and dolphins show up and throw smoke bombs. And it's just. too much. I bought the book and then I sat in the bathtub and read almost half of it. Then I washed my hair in the tub because the cold water faucet in the shower is stuck again. I don't like to put my head underwater because I don't like water in my ears. When I put my head underwater I can only do it to a certain degree, at a certain angle. and I have to "hold" my ears. Like holding my breath, except.. in my ears. Nothing comes out of your ears, Sara. Yes well. You try it. You tell me you don't feel a stillness. Anyway, I stuck my head underwater because I had to, but I didn't like it.

But I do like this book, and I definitely like Tao Lin.

I almost forgot. After leaving Borders, this man in his top-hat shaped vehicle stalked Kevin and I through the parking lot, presumably to take our parking spot, got fed up during the long walk, sped ahead to park in the spot just after ours. He got out of the car and I, attempting to make fun of him, said that he really wanted to be Elvis Costello in the 70s. Then I told Kevin that I'd never really liked the Beatles. Next we went to Blick's so he could buy some bristol board and I could buy some brushes (for makeup. I am a lousy painter) and of course some Elvis Costello song came on. just now, I was telling Des about my love for Tao Lin and she said she was reading wikipedia about Marina Abramović, and I was like, "who is that?" but I didn't have to wonder very hard because suddenly I was reading an essay Tao Lin wrote re Marina Abramović.

That second one isn't a very good coincidence, but I felt it was worth mentioning because it just happened.