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stop the imposing because this is where the flow is

14 August 2012
6:01 pm

oh dearie me, oh my, I am the tirederest

I stayed up all night doing all the laundry, which we all know I am no good with anymore--staying up all night that is, I've never been good with laundry

and then I moved all the bedroom furniture around for the first time in two goddamn years

and crystalized ginger in chocolate and cinnamon spiced almonds

holy bones

The Professional is the sweetest, saddest movie

and Prince is the baddest, sexiest motherfucker around

oh god I'm reading 50 Shades of Grey and I'm only mildly ashamed of it

and now I've just gotten out of work tomorrow and I didn't even have to ask so maybe tomorrow I'll finally write something or drink that new wine I bought or start training for the 5K OBSTACLE RACE I want to do next year

oofta I have the mildest mania ever