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23 February 2013
1:40 pm

Hello my diaryland pals. Whoever you are. I rarely address you specifically because.. I don't have many diaryland pals and mostly we exist in this space where I read you and maybe you read me and mostly we don't interact, and that's cool. I rarely think about how much I put in this diaryland about my state of mind vs how much I say out loud. If you've been paying attention, it's possible that you know a lot more about me than people I've known for years, even people who started out reading this when I first started.

I'm lucky in that way. That I have an outlet I can go to and at least feel like someone is listening even if we don't talk about it. And in my darkest hours, sometimes that's enough. Sometimes it isn't.

My friend Des is a photographer and has a project called Live Through This, which seeks to open up the discussion about suicide through portraits and interviews of suicide attempt survivors, hoping to normalize the stigma around talk of suicide and so forth.

Currently she's running a kckstrter that will allow her to travel the country to photograph/interview more survivors, grow the project, and eventually put it on exhibit and into a book.

Please donate if you can, and share it with your friends, even if you can't. Live Through This Kickstarter. I'm not idealistic enough to think that art can save us all, but I do think it's a pretty good route to connecting with other human beings.

If you just want to check out the project or are interested in participating, go to

and if you ever need to discuss the finer points of what it feels like to lay in a bathtub trying to wish yourself out of existence, you know where to find me