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31 May 2002
8:18 pm

Saturday evening I saw a man in a parking lot get pushed by one truck into another at the end of a danceclub parking lot brawl (started by two eager and fiesty women, one of whom my dad had been talking to and was therefore in the middle of all the action)

Saturday evening I saw a man in a parking lot get pushed by one truck into another in front of a handful of cops. The woman responsible attempted to drive off and the officers chased after her yelling with their guns drawn aimed and loaded. Jesusbug brought upon her stopping and her placement in the backseat handstied and being told to shut the fuck up. From where I was standing it was about ten feet and I didn't know she'd done it and wondered why they were being so forceful.

He laid beside the car far enough away I couldn't see him but well enough to see his legs and arms moving at their request. Well enough to see he wasn't paralysed.

My dad came over with a wide-eyed look explaining what I was too far away to see. He'd hurt his leg getting thrown through the chains in front of the club. The one in the back of the police car wasn't involved in any way, she just wanted to leave and divide herself from the violent excitment attempting to unfold. The man had been pinned against the other truck against a spare tire on the back with a cover and he bounced right off. Innocent passerby pinned through the side into a 1996...

That's a lie. I don't know what kind of car it was.

He walked back into the bustle of kids and cop cars, more and more lights gurgling on and speeding off 19. In the passing minutes before the fire trucks and Sunstar ambulances I did something I don't normally do at least not in such a convential manner. And I gave it all the strength I could possibly muster. I sat there barely breathing with my palms pressed together until more lights flashed from behind me and I turned to see what the additional commotion was about not being able to figure out why the activity was now far from where it began. Blinking lights on red metal plates lain far apart. I had no idea until my dad told me they were bring in Bayflight.

"Oh," I said. "Well, I suppose he'll be okay then. I saw him moving his arms and legs and stuff... so he's not paralysed, right?"


"And they're bring in Bayflight.. but he should be allright."

"You should move over there. A lot of dust is going to be flying when they land."

Moments of childlike excitement as I watched it land until I had to finally shield my eyes and rub out the dirt because yes I would like to scratch my cornea or retina or whatever piece of eye anatomy comes first. I sat on the concrete and waited for my dad to finish his business.

"I can't keep seeing these things, ykow. They're scaring the shit out of me."

"There's a reason. But I'll see what I can do."

Ffflash forward to today when my dad knocks on my door.

"Oh. That guy."

"Which guy?"

"The guy we saw last week."

"The guy."

"He didn't make it."

"What guy?"

"The guy in the parking lot."

"He died?"


It is a common thing for me to be upset over the death of people I don't know but in passing their accidents. My dad left the room and I sat and I thought about what I was feeling while I was there. And what I thought. And what I did.

And I don't get it.

It just makes me wonder..