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it's all happening

25 April 2002
1:56 am

Yes, I tried to sleep. Desperately, in fact. But this bleeding headache has kept me awake and now here I sit.

As experts of fashionable lateness, Angie and I, today, on this April twenty-fourth (it was the twenty-fourth at the time), two thousand and two, officially started an as yet unnamed band... a month after we began all this song-writing business. Speaking of which, we are down to the last minute which we are embracing whole heartedly as last minute has never failed us before and in fact much of my giant spurts of creativity are achieved last minute. For a history class in tenth grade I did a painting of Medusa in the midst of hair-to-snake transformation and I began some where in the late hours the evening before it was due. I painted all night, and listened to only one song the entire time. The next two days were probably the greatest single two days of my emotional state EVER. I've never figured out the factors of that BUT the point is that creativity is like adrenaline and it's all happening.

And yes, now I am beginning to organize things in my mind and this is like a big empty space for me to pull everything together for me to see and that is what I am going to begin to use it for like a good Sara should, and thus begins Impulse.

Oh how I am daydreaming and I can only hope and sit on my bed and say Hey now Moon, help me out here and hope that he's listening.