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reminds me of the sound you make when we disagree

10 March 2010
7:53 pm

There is some kind of infernal buzzing happening in either a cable or one of my pedals. I think it's the Magicstomp. I plugged in the Dan-echo instead and it's not as bad. I have a fucking headache now though. I was recording some shit and it was going all smooth and then, here, infernal buzzing and headache. God. Suck. My brain is fried from cover letter writing today, and well, I don't even want to talk about it. I kind of want to clean upstairs with my "evening" time. My "after work" time. If you can call this work. I'm trying to practice. Anyway, you'll be proud, I just took my second round of pills and it's not even midnight. This is the time of day where I start to get sleepy and wonder if I should just try to go to sleep now, at least then it's not 2 am, but with this INFERNAL HEADACHE I doubt that will be possible.

Still in a good mood, but not down with the headache.. possibly from a lack of water as I have had no water and no tea today. I shall remedy that posthaste.