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11 May 2010
9:37 am

9:30 in the morning and I already want to smoke? Bad news, children. Bad news bears. Probably because I am drinking shitty coffee and I ate a pop tart for breakfast. Poptarts are also shitty. It is like being punished for breakfast. Like, if I had gotten up earlier then perhaps I might have had a proper breakfast, but I didn't, so hear, shove this artificially flavored human treat down into your maw.

Lunch will be better, I promise. Tomato sandwiches. Fuck yeah, tomato sandwiches. I should make a tumblr. Then I will post pictures of tomato sandwiches and talk about all the times I eat them, which is rarely. I will have two followers. You and me.

My hands hurt, yknow? My wrists, specifically; specifically my left wrist. But in the middle of writing this I got a new chair and a nice new desk--the chair is a few inches higher and the desk a few inches shorter, so hopefully this will help the pains I have been cultivating. Hooray!

Hooray! A clean bedroom and bathroom at home and a fresh desk and reorganized (again) workspace! Every week. Move it around.

Switch it up. Embrace change. I have. I am.