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you need to sleep. so you can dream. so you can wake up. you need to sleep. so you can dream. so you can wake. up.

15 January 2021
6:42 pm

right now I'm super fixated on buying a very expensive couch system because I just happened to notice they're having a minor discount and decent financing this weekend
and i wAnT iT
and of course, by "I want to buy it" I mean "I want to make the person buy it"
since my money is earned by being an attractive blanket

I've been listening to Jeff Bridges' Sleeping Tapes at bedtime again
and I rarely make it past the point where he's talking to a kid about how he and his daughter used to go to sleep agreeing to meet at a special dream tree
and I just think it's so great
"I like your haircut"
"you order well at restaurants"

I love you
(that part's from me)

*sips ginger ale*