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oh oh oh here comes january >:)

31 December 2006
5:45 pm

new year

goddamn i need internet

but if i did i probably would have cancelled this by now, instead i just vaguely think about it

sitting in the panera parking lot listening to the gorillaz and i am in a good mood, good times, good thoughts

good memories.. and bad.. but hey, those years go fast but the days go slow

last night i went out for new years a night early. there was a warehouse party. i don't know what movie illusions i had... but it was a warehouse allright. and there weren't very many people there. and it was totally lame.

and i was delighted by this turn events

so tonight, instead of going out to seek chaos and madness and to wake up tomorrow late in the day with a hangover

i'm staying in to continue this mad nip/tuck marathon

and even denying the impulse to purchase a new dvd player for the occasion.. cause i can and why not--except i remember there are things i want. and things i must have.

and things to stop being so damn vague about

but this is neither the time or the place..

happy two thousand and seven to you. take hold of the gifts you are offered :D