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trip on love

03 January 2010
6:53 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, here we are in the new year and so I have put out that fire and induced this blue flame; a flame once known to me some nine or ten years ago and only a few of you may have seen this; no joke, I lifted it from a floppy, freed it of its adornments and plopped it here in front of you

Now I am off; off to click on asterisks to destroy these demons mucking up our fair diaryland space; and off to continue reconciling my need to minimize and need to expand my capacity for beauty and fashion. I think it now much more simple than I originally thought.

So I go to a closet filled with clothes, to toss them into boxes and perhaps out the window, except it is too cold to open a window and so, if I want fresh air I must go outside, but again, too cold; to listen to music; to look at my eyebrows with a discerning.. eye

and eventually, once we are all free and easy and full of fresh space, to spend much time creating and doling out to your faces, examples of my awesome power

I wonder how far into the year I'll still be laughing at those numbers zero zero one and two