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someone stole my matches

14 April 2010
12:19 pm

like a good book, I kind of want to watch Twin Peaks again already. perhaps I should just watch the accompanying film I never got around to watching.

also, what else was I going to say? lots of addenda and parenthetical thoughts today

OH YES i was doing some paper sorting, some filing, if you will, and at the top of a page it said


and I said
CRAP what is that about now I have the fear

for entirely no reason
and at the top of the next page it said

which of course I read as

because that makes all the sense in the world.

also, I was worried awhile ago about my sex drive or rather, shocking lack of one but interesting lately, I've been feeling weird again (not super weird, not cause for concern but my pulse is hard to find), my fingernails are all chipping and breaking down to the quick and my sex drive has returned with a vengeance. No ordinary vengeance, this is like a second sequel kind of vengeance, we've had two whole movies to build up this kind of steam and every day I am soft and wet and leering at girls on the street and judging men by their rear ends. I have nothing profound or thoughtful to say on the subject--just that I am apparently feral

anyway, where are my matches?