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look at all the little fictions

16 June 2023
9:59 am

I always feel like I haven't done things when I have. Clean the house and do some laundry? Oh, I've been so lazy today.

Write for two weeks straight and write a story for a flash-fiction contest in a weekend, then take a few days off? God, I haven't written in forever, I must have fallen off myself.

I wrote a story for a contest! It's fucking good, too. I rarely ever say that about something I've written. Dan helped a bit, but it was mostly me. It was supposed to be historical fiction, so I set it in the early 90s, which is depressing, but it only had to be 25+ years in the past. I wrote about a teenager finding out their father is HIV+. FICTION, I TELL YOU. Obviously derived from truth, but still fiction.

It's such a bummer story, but I'm so happy with it. Hopefully I'll have as decent a time in the second round. I don't expect I'll move into the third round, but the joy of having written something so solid so quickly was exhilarating. That two weeks of farting around with writing/world-building paid off! Now to find more people to read it to tide me over until judging/feedback, which doesn't happen until the end of next month.

Things are okay, otherwise. Back and forth, up and down. Things were going SO WELL for awhile there, and they still are, but not with the fervor I had. Which means, as I said, that I forget that things were ever going well, or think it's been forever since I did anything.

I pulled out a bunch of plants in one of the garden beds, despite the wasps. Between the wasps and the car, I have not been leaving the house much. I'm lucky I like this house so much.

We're married, but now we're planning a wedding for September. A love-party. Did I mention that? Well, now I have.

God, I just want to get back to writing all day. I'm stuck. Give me the brain power!